Music and Webcasts
At Wealden Crematorium we have partnered with Obitus to offer the very best standard of service for music, visual tributes and webcasts.
With access to a vast database of songs and hymns, we are sure you will be able to find the music you want to make the service special.
Obitus gives you:
- Access to millions of tracks from an ever-expanding library
- The option to play pieces personally recorded by family and friends
- Help to track down even the most obscure songs
- Support every step of the way
Browse the Obitus databases below by clicking on the button and using the password Melody
In addition to songs and hymns that are included in the price of a service, you can also choose to include a visual tribute and webcast.

Visual Tributes
Visual Tributes help tell their story in a simple, moving way. They’re shown on screen at the venue, easily viewed by everyone there, and available in a range of options.
A favourite single photo of a loved one, shown throughout the service
A slideshow of up to 25 photos with fade transitions
A professionally edited Pro Tribute, set to music with up to 25 photos or video snippets
We can also include videos created by the family
Webcast – live, downloadable and watch-again
Not everyone will be able to attend a funeral, but they can still say goodbye by streaming the service live or watching it online at a later date. All they need is a phone, laptop or tablet; a decent internet connection; and the login for our simple-to-use website.
Speak to your funeral director about the options available.